CG  |  ENG

The company was established in 2007. Through realization of demanding projects in the field of road infrastructure and traffic, building ourselves this company has developed the confidence of our many partners. Our experience and professional capacities enable us to perform services for the most demanding clients, such as Ministries, Directorates, government offices, and reputable companies at home and abroad. We are a company that is always open for good ideas and business opportunities.
Our basic mission is to provide best engineering services in the field of construction, to satisfy our parners, to develop our employees providing high level of professional knowledge and skills and implementing modern standards and processes.
Our Company and each of our employees and external sub-contractors geotechnical engineers, land surveyors, an environmental and hydrotechnical specialists and experienced structural engineers possesses appropriate licenses for Highway issued from relevant authorities. All software and tools are licensed. The Company and stuff are chartered to design et Engineers Chamber of Montenegro.